Sunday, January 9, 2011

Name of the game is Blame

Today afternoon, I was watching 'Raging Bull' (Robert De Niro starrer). Towards the end of the movie, sitting in front of a mirror, he delivers the famous dialogue of ' I could have been a contender '. (The dialogue made famous by Marlono Brando, in the movie ‘on the waterfront’) . The following is for those could have beens

I was neither intelligent nor brave enough.
But I had my own dream which I thought will set me apart.

I went to school then to some college. Everywhere there was a race
I didn’t think much and started to run and got into the mess

When my parents asked why I came last, I stated blaming those who came first

I forgot my dream and started searching for a job
And in the way, lost in touch with those things I loved

When friends asked me why I am not in touch, I told they are to be blamed

I started working and earned some money.
But I was lost in the way and life didn’t seem to be funny

I started blaming parents to made me a runny

I fell in love with a girl and thought peace came to stay
But when she asked for commitment, I gave her away

I blamed the break up on her as if she did not mean what she says

I was not good at work nor wanted to learn
People got ahead of me and I was again standing with the rest

This time I blamed it on my boss to have not eyes for the best

When no one left for blaming, I got married
I put all my troubles on her head and we had our fights

I stated blaming the person who I called my wife

We had our children and they grew up too soon
And I told them to run the those races which I used to run

And I blamed them for their failure as they could not won

Now when in the end, I lie in my bed, old and worn
‘Could have been’ thoughts keep coming to mind too often

And I blame gods for my lost situation

I could have been a contender. I could have had class.
I could've been somebody, instead of a bum, which is what I am

But baby, name of the game is blame and I played it well till last


  1. I think...i became master of this game and i thought no one else could hav given me a bet..but also one more contender:(

  2. binoy still dreaming..January 23, 2011 at 11:38 AM

    guys what r u talking about....r u forgetting me..the doctorate of the game
