Tuesday, June 28, 2011

MBA : First Impression

I admit that , with only few days of experience in college(to be specific 10 days) am not qualified to
comment on the programme or people. However as seniors and faculty members have told again
and again that getting time for yourself will be become a illusion in days to come , I thought it is
better to write whatever comes to mind. And I must tell beforehand that whatever statements am
going tomake now may be not completely true as I gather more experience here

1. Induction Programme : As per college manual , objective of the programme to initiate
interaction between faculty and new students and between final year and new students.
I am not going toelaborate the process as it will take the fun part of the programme.
However one suggestion 'pleasedon't miss it' as you will miss the whole concept of MBA

One personal experience that I can share is , in the first day of induction when the faculty
asked all of us the question which we had prepared best during interview days ,'why MBA'
nobody raised handamong hundreds of students. It was quite satisfying experience for me
as I really do not know the answer.

2. Difference between Night and Day : I am a person of simple habits when it comes to sleeping.
If  I remember correctly last time I had less than six hours of sleep in a row was during 12th
board exam.I can assure you that from then on I had never have problem of sleeping 7-8 hours
in a day. I have followed that regime for the last 12 years , even  during graduation in my engg
college when friends were active in various extra curricular activities (watching movie , playing
computer games andother things) or during the years after that when I had a job

However in these few days, I have a sincere doubt whether people ever sleep here. It's like
twenty four hours a day and nobody is complaining.

The reason may be in following picture

When this Sunday , I went to bring the books from academic block a surprise was waiting for me.
I signed the acknowledgement sheet and received the books shown above and the madam
distributing the books shared the addition information (shock) that these are not for a whole year .
These are meant to be read in a trimester (10 weeks period) . Other than the above books one
can borrow reference books from library and may be provided additional reading assignments by

3. Class Participation. : I belong to those marginal section of students who went to govt schools
and colleges. So , whoever in the class raised their hand to answer or question, we used to make
fun of him/her as the 'show off person of the class'. Times change and so as places. Here the
motto is to show off else suffer in your grades.

As in today's class , most of the people animatedly discussed for an hour on difference between
values , morals and ethics , I was searching  for soul like me who was getting bored and when I
find none , the hindi tune kept ringing in my head 'ye kahan aa gaye hum'

4. Friendship or Networking : Here rarely you are going to make Friends .You have to make
networks then Friends (if any) will come to you . I am still learning the concept , hence cannot
detail on it. IfI mange to decode it , which has a near zero probability , I will elaborate in the
next blog(s).

So this is for now. If I do not get sucked into the supersonic pace of life that is a norm here ,
I will come and share my experiences soon.

As the song goes

"Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away.

Now it looks as though they're here to stay.
Oh, I believe in yesterday"


  1. i am just simply a humble fan of ur writing...

  2. Way to go. All the best dude
    -Sumit Das

  3. wow sir....the way u write is simply awesum.....
    n all the best for ur networking Sir..!!!

  4. Thanks Suvo , sumit and Neeti. I just try to share my confusions

  5. hi ppd..after sis marriage...now got a time to be on net and i started wid reading your blog..u r simply awesome..keep writing...and yaa all da best for ur networking...

  6. Thanks for taking this opportunity to discuss this, I feel fervently about this and I like learning about this subject.mba college

  7. lolzz hope you r seeing other hidden colors of MBA life now :D
