Monday, January 3, 2011

Black Pawn who loved White Queen

I always am fascinated by those pawn pieces in the black & white in the game of chess.
They stand guard at the beginning to 8 celebrity pieces. But unlike those celebrity pieces,
they cannot move freely. Only way is the way ahead. Either to death or insignificance.

The following is dedicated to those pawns waiting for their salvation

I was standing there alone among my seven brothers; looking straight into eyes of those facing us. Anticipating my chance to kill & get killed, waiting for that adrenalin rush
All was quiet on both northen and southern front

In those few silent moments,I was thinking about the sheer futility of my action
Of the many deaths I have died before and those fights I thought to have won
I was thinking about my maker, His purpose behind my creation

The game began, I was untouched , unchallenged , standing there without a reason
With passing moments, friends & enemies started falling alike under the luring death
Then I was pushed steps closer to my salvation

There came the white queen with radiance of thousand suns ,
moving like a river with some uncontrolled emotion
With her arrival,  my mind was cleared  of all the confusion

I was blinded by her beauty and amazed by lucidity of motion
She was defending her King, her love and the reason of her life
She gave me the purpose , of my love for her and my eventual destruction

I was put in front my king .The black bishop was waiting in the corner to assassinate the white queen
I could have told her.
But I don’t know which tempted me more, my duty or death by love of my life, the beautiful amazon.

May be she know that my death is trap to finish her.
But she came anyway, to take someone before she goes down
Perhaps it was our destiny; mine to betray her, and her to kill me without any condition or complication

She put her sword in my heart.  I did not feel any pain , the tears are of pure joy
I fell down without a noise. Then came her turn for departure
The last thing I saw, She was bidding farewell to life with amazing grace

I was the black pawn who loved a White queen