Saturday, March 12, 2011

To have loved and lost

The following is dedicated to the women who have loved and lost.

I wish for those precious moments to return
When it seemed we were made for each other
I can touch your face and feel the wholeness of your soul
And you can kiss my eyes and take away all of my pain

I think every now and then , though I try hard not to
Of days when I loved you and thought  you loved me too
Before you abandoned me for fairer skin & fake smile
Betrayed me for a racing car & bunglow by the sea

I was doomed from the beginning
When entangled in your sweet lies, I believed you
I was too happy to ignore the truth
Lost in the illusions of  love, was so confused
I stil laugh, talk and show all happy emotions of life
But a certain numbness has crawled into my vein
After so many tears , now I cannot feel the pain
I am not dead yet , but it seems I have died long ago

I want to hope for a new life and true love
But cannot , fear that it will hurt again
And I know that spring will never come
Trapped in this eternal winter I will suffer long

Sometimes I ask God , Why I was punished for no fault of mine
I get no answer . Long dead emotions lie still
Lost ground of love keep staring at me
I try hard not to complain for what is there and what could have been


  1. Life and its seasons...sigh..springs will come...just like the autumn:)

  2. After every loss, a win is just around the corner.

    Good thoughts.

  3. touching.. No more words.. here is mine, to have loved and lost

    Someone is Special

  4. winters dont last forever!!

    beautiful sketch of emotions :)

  5. a loss could be a win on a different case.
    moving words.
    well penned.

  6. invite you to join poets rally week 40...
    simply visit me for details...all submissions are to be represented by the end of the week.
    Happy Writing.
    Looking forward to seeing you share your talent with us.
    You rock.
